1. Sign an e-petition.
Thank you Mr. Keen
Thank you Mr. Keen
Your name has been added to the Ban on the sale, use and promotion of prong collars on dogs E-Petition as specified below. |
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Click here to return to E-PetitionsTO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the call to ban the sale, use and promotion of the torturous prong collar on dogs. Banned in Victoria since 1997, prong collars are made of multiple wire prongs that puncture the neck. Deemed unnecessary by experts the prong collar is an inhumane tool used to inflict pain and promote aggression.
Current e-petitions: Queensland Parliament. Viewed 22 September 2011.
Current e-petitions: Queensland Parliament. Viewed 22 September 2011.
2. What are the Australian Government's plans to censor the internet (the so-called "Clean Feed")?
'The Australian Labor Party has announced it intends force ISPs to censor the Internet. This is contrary to the current practice whereby consumers have the choice to filter their Internet connections either through PC filters or subscribing to a filtered ISP. The plan is to censor Refused Classification content, almost all of which is legal to view and possess. The government have announced that they will conduct a review of the Refused Classification (RC) category for approximately 12 months, with an unspecified start date or guidelines for review, with the stated aim of ensuring that the content in the category meets 'community standards'.
The Liberal/National Coalition as well as the Greens have declared that they will vote against the Government's policy when it is introduced to Parliament. Unless the Government can convince a sufficient number of cross-bench Senators to vote with the Government to form a majority vote, the legislation will not become law. Furthermore, with the Government in a minority position in the House of Representatives, they must also convince a sufficient number of cross-bench MPs to vote for the legislation to achieve a majority vote.' (whirlpool.com)
Australian broadband news and information: Clean Feed. Viewed 22 September 2011.
3. When will the NBN get to your place? What are the benefits?
The open access, wholesale-only NBN will transform the competitive dynamics of the Australian telecommunications sector.
The NBN provides key enabling infrastructure to support Australia becoming one of the world’s leading digital economies by 2020. The NBN will offer high-speed broadband to 93 per cent of Australian homes, schools and business via fibre optic cabling. The remaining 7 per cent of premises will be connected via a combination of next-generation, high-speed wireless and satellite technologies. These next-generation wireless and satellite technologies represent a significant step-change over speeds currently experienced by users of those technologies today.
The OECD report, Economic Survey of Australia 2010, released November 2010, stated that the NBN ‘strategy will improve internet services for the entire population and promote a fairer competition between private firms on retail services.’
It is not yet know when the NBN will be availiable in my local area.
NBN: National Broadband Network Australia. Viewed 22 September 2011.
4. Find out who your local, state and federal representatives are. Send one a message.
Local Government: Gold Coast City Council - Division One Representative is Donna Gates
State Government: Premier & Minister for Reconstruction is Anna Bligh MP Deputy Premier Treasurer & Minister for State Development and Trade is Andrew
Fraser MP
Federal Government: Prime Minister of Australia is Julia Gillard
Gold Coast City Council Website: Councillor Donna Gates. Viewed 22 September 2011. <http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/t_standard2.aspx?pid=351>
Queensland Government: The Queensland Cabinet and Ministerial Directory. Viewed 22 September 2011.
Prime Minister of Australia: The Hon Julia Gillard MP. Viewed 22 September 2011.
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