29 July 2011

Week 1: Response to Content

The need for communication on Earth is vital, its instinctive, its organic. Every human on Earth is eternally submersed beneath the essence of its branches which reach out to create communities and link us as a whole. The communication spectrum of light is bright and filled with an array of possibilities. I am Brett Keen, inquisitive and eager to delve deeper into my passion for the art within the broad uses of communication.

Currently completing a Bachelor of Communication, majoring in marketing, through 'New Communication Technologies' I endeavour to investigate the practical and theoretical elements within the spread of communication and build upon my own writing skills. In order to produce, create, and utilise future communication technologies, the history of the progression of human communication relevant to technology is critical.

With most of us having a mobile, a television, a radio, a computer and access to the Internet, communication technology is becoming evermore widespread and relevant to us all. We rely on this to stay connected with each other within this rapidly paced, ever changing world.
Through this blog, I hope to share my own thoughts and perceptions on the study of New Communication Technologies. To grow with this course and discuss in depth, the history, impact on society, how communication has evolved with technology and much more. Welcome.

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