29 July 2011

Week 3: Tutorial Task

Task 1
  • What was Stephen Stockwell's first article in an academic journal? What year? Provide a full citation. What database did you use?
Stockwell, S 1981. 'Kuranda Polic Shooting,' Legal Service Bulletin, vol 6, p48-49, viewed 10th August 2011, via Taylor and Francis Online Database.

  • In which comic did Governor Slugwell appear? Which Issues? Give their full citation for the earliest. Where did you find this information? What database did you use? (Check the trial databases)
Govenor Slugwell appeared in the comic, 'Flaming Carrot Comics in issues 7, 10 and 11. This information was found via the Griffith Library homepage: database category; trial database and found the Flaming Carrot Comics in the Underground and Independant Comic Database.

  • What is the latest medical thinking on the dangers of mobile phones? Provide a full citation.
The mobile phone health risks are asssociated with societal risks as well as health risks from the masts of mobile phones.

Drake, F 2011. Protesting Mobile Phone Masts: Risk, Neoliberalism andGovernmentality, vol 36, issue 4, viewed 10th August 2011, via the Library Search Database.

  • In Bladerunner, what is Leon's reaction when Holden asks him about his mother? Quote the 1982 draft script and provide a full reference. (Check the trial databases)
HOLDEN: Describe in single words. Only the good things that come into your mind. About your mother.

LEON: looks shocked, surprised. But the needles in the computer barely move. Holden goes for the inside of his coat. But big Leon is faster. His layer burns a hole the size of a nickel through Holden's stomach.....

Hampton, F, Webb, D, Roland, K 1982, 'Blade Runner (Draft Script)', Warner Brothers, Los Angeles, CA, viewed 10th August 2011, via American Film Scripts online.

  • What does Paul Soukup say Walter Ong saw as the main paradox in 20th century communication? Cite your source.
Soukup explains that Walter Ong saw that the 20th Century initiated a paradox: "that a society given so much to the use of diagrams and to the maneuvering of objects in space... should at the same time develop means of communication which specialize not in sight but in sound" (p.224). Such an emphasis on sound acts to counterbalance the dominance of the visual reinforced by printed texts. Though printed texts will not disappear, the more human dimension of sound cannot be suppressed.

Soukup, P 2004, Walter, J. Ong: A Retrospective, Communication Research Trends, vol 23, issue 1, viewed 10th August 2011, via <http://cscc.scu.edu/trends/v23/v23_1.pdf>

Task 2

Is myspace ageing?
With the increase of communication technologies, social networking has been a place for online communities to coincide with each other, to relate to each other and to group together with people of common interests. If technology is said to double every 18 months, will leading social networking companies keep up? Or will they eventually fade away, expire with their shelf life and decrease in popularity?
Myspace is a social networking site created in 2006 and most people who have participated in social networking have had a Myspace profile. In the ‘About Us’ link on the Myspace page you will find the site is: “Aimed at a Gen Y audience, Myspace drives social interaction by providing a highly personalised experience around entertainment and connecting people to the music, celebrities, TV, movies, and games that they love. These entertainment experiences are available through multiple platforms, including online, mobile devices, and offline events.”  (http://www.myspace.com/Help/AboutUs)
Myspace user statistics

Myspace currently possesses more users than ever. However, mypsace has become increasingly less popular with the rise of Facebook. This graph allows for the comparison (hyperlink).
Myspace is not 'dead', however it is now being ever so overshadowed by Facebook and networks alike. Facebook is said to be easier to use due to it's simple format design, businesses and professionals prefer Facebook for its variety and number of applications and you are less susceptible to spam. However, if you prefer a more 'individual' profile with colours and graphics with an interest in the arts and entertainment industry, Myspace is still the place for you, it really depends on your style and preference.


Deleon, N 2008, Facebook No Longer the Second Largest Social Network, viewed 10th August 2011

Arrington, M 2009, Facebook Now Nearly Twice the Size of MySpace Worldwide, viewed 10th August 2011

Vercillo, K, Myspace v.s Facebook, viewed 10th August 2011

Facebook’s Coming of Age, viewed 10th August

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